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Amanda and Mike

Amanda and Mike celebrated their special day in the Westin hotel in San Francisco. It was a beautiful venue and so much fun to shoot there.

Amanda and Mike met online through Bumble. Who knows if they would have ever fallen in love without Mike hitting the extend button on the app. Finally, since the woman has to make the first step, Amanda decided to give him a chance and shot him a message.

They connected right away with the shared excitement about sports like hockey, baseball, and football. Mike took Amanda to his favorite pizza spot on their first date and soon they realized they were made for each other.

After three years of happiness, he decided to ask the big question. But not traditional I’ll tell you that. Sharkie, the San Jose Sharks mascot, helped him out. So thanks to him, he made Mike propose during the NHL game in front of millions of people.

So here we are today!

This was our first Jewish wedding and we learned A LOT ! All the traditions were new to us but we adapted quickly and enjoyed seeing new traditions from different religions.

Due to the temple’s rules, we were not allowed to tap into their mic system so we had to find a way around it. We decided to mic up the groom so we can record what he is saying while the bride is walking down the aisle, and during the ceremony, we were able to get both perfectly recorded since they are standing right next to each other.

Problem solved!

Now comes one of our favorite parts, the Horah! It is basically when the bride and groom get lifted up on a chair and everybody is dancing around them and just celebrating the newly married couple.

As a surprise, the mascot from the 49ers, the Giants, and the Sharks showed up and celebrated with everybody that special tradition.

Since the reception was in a beautiful ballroom in a hotel which was a little dark on camera, we decided to put up one of our big LED lights to capture everything in perfect lighting.

We worked great as a team and made sure to capture every speech, dance, and excitement.

After a loooong day of shooting (from 10 am – 10 pm) we packed up and headed home. The next day we got right at it and started editing the highlight video which we finished that same day. After editing for hours and hours the full 60min video was finally delivered to Amanda and Mike by Monday evening and they were able to watch the story of their very special day from a different perspective.

Congrats to Amanda and Mike!

Thank you for letting us capture your special day and telling your story.

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